[itzul] Antzokietako PEINEa

karlos del_olmo karlos_del_olmo a bildua donostia.org
As, Eka 19, 12:10:13, CEST 2012

Grid: A grid is a steel lattice or slotted (wood or steel) beam floor at
the top of most flyspaces, which allows technicians to walk over the fly
loft, and configure lift lines and loft-blocks (the final pulley which lets
the horizontal lift line coming from the head block to hang vertically and
move a batten.) Not all fly systems have a grid due to height limitations.
In these theaters, the battens are generally in permanent locations.

Sareta-edo omen da, baina nik beti gaztelaniaz aipatzen entzun dut.

Karlos del Olmo
karlos_del_olmo a bildua donostia.org
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