[itzul] titulizar, securitize

nere txuk neretxuk a bildua gmail.com
Ast, Ots 28, 09:37:42, CET 2008

euskaraz "titulizatu" erabili dute bizahiru aldiz, baina, norbaitek beste
proposamenik balu...
definizio hau aurkitu dut (investopedia.com)

"The process of pooling a group of financial assets together to create a new
security, which is then marketed and sold to investors. The value and cash
flows of the new security is based off of the underlying value and cash
flows of the assets used in the securitization process. Companies will
securitize illiquid assets into liquid assets in order to increase
their overall liquidity and generate immediate proceeds from their assets."

mila esker


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