[itzul] Recreational
itziar72 a bildua yahoo.es
Ast, Ira 6, 16:50:10, CEST 2012
Inork ba al daki nola esaten den euskaraz "recreational drug"? Behean, bi
definizio. Gaztelaniaz, testuinguru formaletan "drogas de uso
socialmente aceptado" ikusi dut, baina ez dit balio. "Drogas
recreativas" eta "drogas blandas" gisa ere ikusi dut. Euskaltermen
"droga bigun" aurkitu dut. Beste proposamenik?
Mila esker.
Recreational drug:
A drug used nonmedically for personal enjoyment.Any substance with pharmacologic effects that is taken voluntarily for
personal pleasure or satisfaction rather than for medicinal purposes.
The term is generally applied to alcohol, barbiturates, amphetamines,
THC, PCP, cocaine, and heroin but also includes caffeine in coffee and
cola beverages.
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