[itzul] A bilduaz (ingelesez)
Gotzon Egia
gegia a bildua gipuzkoa.net
Al, Urr 3, 09:36:23, CEST 2005
A bilduak munduan barrena dituen adierez (eta zalantzez), artikulu polit
Where It's At -- and Where It's Not
By Nancy Szokan
Sunday, October 2, 2005
I'm talking on the phone to an Israeli writer who goes by the nickname
Winkie, and I want to send him some information. "What's your e-mail?" I
"Winkie M, Strudel, Yahoo dot com," he says.
"Strudel?" I said. "As in the pastry?" (I'm thinking: Maybe he has a
little bakery on the side?) "You mean Winkie M, then s-t-r-u-d- . . . "
"No, no -- it's strudel , that little A sign," he says. "I think you
call it 'at'?"
Of course. With a little imagination, I could see that a slice of
strudel resembles the @ sign that separates user name from host in
e-mail addresses. "Strudel!" I hoot. Winkie, agreeing that it's funny,
later sends me a list of words that people in other countries have used
for the @ symbol -- most of them a lot more entertaining (if less
efficient) than our simple "at."
The list, it turns out, came from an online site, Herodios.com, and was
based largely on research done in the early days of e-mail by linguist
Karen Steffen Chung of National Taiwan University. Her lengthy
collection of @-words, as well as some additions from Post foreign
correspondents, shows that while many countries have simply adopted the
word "at," or call the symbol something like "circle A" or "curled A,"
more imaginative descriptions still hold sway in many places.
In Russia, for instance, it seems that the most common word for the @ is
sobaka ( dog) or sobachka ( doggie) -- apparently because a computer
game popular when e-mail was first introduced involved chasing an
@-shaped dog on the screen. (Don't laugh; Pac-Man was shaped like a pie
with a missing slice.) So when Natasha gives her e-mail address to
someone, it comes out sounding like she calls herself "Natasha, the
dog." "Everybody's used to it," says Peter Finn, The Post's Moscow
correspondent, "but there are still jokes -- people say 'Natasha, don't
be so hard on yourself.' " Ah, those crazy Russians.
Try this: Look at the @. What does it remind you of? Apparently it
reminds a lot of people around the world of a monkey with a long and
curling tail; thus, their e-mail addresses might include variations of
the word for monkey. That's majmunsko in Bulgarian, m alpa in Polish ,
majmun in Serbian and shenja e majmunit ("the monkey sign") in Albanian.
Or they might call it an "ape's tail": aapstert in Afrikaans, apsvans in
Swedish , apestaart in Dutch, Aff enschwanz among German-speaking Swiss.
(Many Germans apparently used to say Klammeraffe , meaning "clinging
monkey," or Schweinekringel , a pig's tail -- though these days it's
usually just "at.") In Croatian, they call the sign "monkey," but they
say the word in English. Go figure.
Does the sign make you think of a snail? That's what you might get in
Korean ( dalphaengi) or Italian ( chiocciola) or sometimes Hebrew (
shablul, when they're not saying strudel). The French apparently flirted
briefly with escargot. "Yes, it looks like a snail," noted one amused
Korean. "But isn't it funny and ironic, since 'snail mail' is opposed to
e-mail in English?"
Do you see the @ as a curled up cat? That's why it's sometimes kotek or
"kitten" in Poland and miuku mauku in Finland, where cats say "miau. "
In Slovakia and the Czech Republic, it can be zavinac , or rolled-up
pickled herring. In Sweden, when it's not a monkey's tail, it's a
kanelbulle, or cinnamon bun. In Hungary, it's kukac, for worm or maggot.
Danes call it snabel, or elephant's trunk. In the tiny parts of France,
Spain and Italy where a disappearing language called Occitan is still
spoken, users call it alabast , which means "little hook." In Mandarin
Chinese, it's xiao lao shu -- "little mouse" -- which must get confusing
given the gizmo of the same name.
Now for the news, also known as the depressing part: As noted by Scott
Herron, the compiler of the list at Herodios.com, some of these more
colorful images appear to be fading, or are already gone. Many of
Chung's correspondents note that their local e-mailers increasingly just
say "at."
This might just be a result of the cultural hegemony of English. Or
maybe, as e-mail has gone from exciting new technology to spam-filled
work tool, it has ceased to inspire as much creativity. Instead you get
the mundane Japanese atto maaku -- literally, the "at mark" -- and the
Mongolian buurunhii dotorh aa -- "A in round circle."
More strudel, please.
Nancy Szokan, a Post editor, would love to tell people that her e-mail
is szokann monkey sign washpost.com, but she doesn't live in Albania.
Gotzon Egia
gegia a bildua gipuzkoa.net
43º 19' 12.8" N 1º 57' 49.6" W
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