[itzul] Event-driven

Xabier Mendiguren mendiber a bildua kontseilua.org
Or, Mar 3, 09:06:20, CET 2006

One of the few instances in which the real-world benefits of a technology
came before the hype. The term "event-driven architecture" refers to any
applications that react intelligently to changes in conditions, whether that
change is the impending failure of a hard drive or a sudden change in stock


(Ea balio dizun)


-----Jatorrizko mezua-----
Nork: itzul-bounces a bildua postaria.com [mailto:itzul-bounces a bildua postaria.com] Noren
izenean: Izaskun Salsidua
Bidaltze-data: jueves, 02 de marzo de 2006 23:15
Nori: ItzuL
Gaia: [itzul] Event-driven


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