[itzul] "are placed at the disposal"

vegiluz a bildua ej-gv.es vegiluz a bildua ej-gv.es
Ast, Urr 23, 13:01:56, CEST 2008

Ingelesezko itzulpen baten inguruan

Ea nork laguntzen didan ingeleseko esamolde hau ulertzen, berez, hauxe da ditxosozko zatia:

"are placed at the disposal" 

Hauxe duzue esaldi osoa: 

Technology being at the service of emergency situations, the computer and telecommunications systems are placed at the disposal of the emergency services, 

 Eskerrik asko aldez aurretik

E-mail hau inprimatu aurretik, ingurumena zaindu behar dela gogoratu. P Please consider the environment before printing this mail 

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