[itzul] Espectacularizacion/tabloidization (euskaraz?)
Gotzon Egia
gegia a bildua gipuzkoa.net
Ost, Abe 1, 18:33:32, CET 2010
> Ingelesez "tabloidization" bezala ezagutzen da, "tabloid" egunkariekin
> daukan antzagatik, baina hori ere, ez dut uste ikusgarritasunaren fenomenoa
> guztiz azaltzen duen, azken batean, munduko "tabloid" formatu guztiak ez
> dira espektakularrak...
Mmmm... Esango nuke ingelesezko «tabloid» aski markatua dela:
In the newspaper industry, a tabloid is [...] a newspaper that tends to
sensationalize and emphasize or exaggerate sensational crime stories,
gossip columns repeating scandalous and innuendos about the deeply
personal lives of celebrities and sports stars, and other so-called
"junk food news" or junk mail (often in a relatively small newspaper
format). As the term "tabloid" has become synonymous with down-market
newspapers in some areas, some small-format papers which claim a higher
standard of journalism refer to themselves as "compact" newspapers instead.
Hona hemen «tabloidization» terminoaren definizio bat, International
Encyclopedia of Communication-etik hartua:
“Tabloidization” is a vaguely defined term that since the 1980s has been
used to describe stylistic and content changes in → Journalism, usually
perceived as representing a decline in traditional journalistic
standards (→ Quality of the News). To grasp the significance of the
term, it is first essential to understand its root form – the tabloid (→
Tabloid Press).Although the term “tabloid” strictly refers only to
certain newspapers’ half-broadsheet size, it has come to define a
particular kind of formulaic, colorful narrative related to, but usually
perceived as distinct from, standard, “objective” styles of journalism.
The tabloid style is consistently seen by critics as inferior, appealing
to base instincts and public demand for → sensationalism. True
“tabloids” emerged in Britain during the first decade of the twentieth
century, and in the United States in the 1920s. Entertainingly
sensational, they were written in the idioms of the people, as William
Randolph Hearst proudly declared when launching the American Daily
Mirror in 1924 (Bird 1992). The tension between a perception of tabloid
style as representing the legitimate desires and voice of the people, or
as representing a vulgarization of public → Discourse, has been at the
heart of the debate about tabloidization ever since.
Ez dagoen lekuan, gauzak neurriz gaindi puzten ibiltzea esateko,
itzultzaile bati entzun nion behin esamolde polit bat: «gereziak
anpolaitu». Ez dakit, hortik tiraka ezer atera daitekeen...
Gotzon Egia
gegia a bildua gipuzkoa.net
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