[itzul] Irruzur baten berri emateko

Nerea Galarza Arana nereagalarza a bildua hotmail.com
Ost, Eka 9, 12:50:28, CEST 2010

Kaixo denoi:
Gaur goizean mezu bitxi bat jaso dut. Bidaltzailearen helbidea martin_stuart06 a bildua yahoo.co.uk da.
Gauza arraroa iruditu zait eta tipoari idatzi diot informazio gehiago eskatzeko. Segituan erantzun dit, baina haren erantzunak ez nau konbentzitu eta berriz idatzi diot. Gizona oso "jatorra" da eta segituan erantzuten du.
Azkenean, bere helbidea Interneten bilatuta, itzultzaileei iruzur egiten dabilen sare bat dela konturatu naiz. Hementxe duzue iruzurraren berri ematen duen helbidea: http://www.chauffeurcenter.com/de-DE/search/?q=martin_stuart06&scope=local (alemanez dago, baina googleko itzultzaile automatikoan sartuta eta ingeleserako itzulpena eskatuta -barkatuko didazue lanbidearen aurkako ekintza desesperatu hau- oso ondo ulertzen da asuntoa).
Hementxe duzue bidali didan lehenengo mezua erantsita.
Horixe ba, eskaintza tentagarria da, aldez aurretik 1000 euro emango dizkizutela dioelako bigarren mezuak, baina ez kasurik egin, azekenean gure dirua lortzeko aitzakia besterik ez da.
Ondo izan, 

How are you and how has your week been? I guess you and your 
Family members ones are in a great state of health. My Names are Martin 
Stuart and I work as a Freelance Agent for Quick Model Management in the
 UK. While I was searching for a professional Translators, I came across
 your profile on the internet which signifies that you are a Certified 
Translator. We have a photo shoot for Grattan Fashion Catalog, UK which 
sells Female apparels and some Models to pose for the Photo Shoot. One 
of the model wants Her Contract Letter to be in Basque. So we would want
 you to join our Team as our Translator.   I agree with you that as a 
translator, you might not necessarily need to come over for the Photo 
Shoot. But We have made provision for your Logistics because the 
Coordinator suggested that you might need the exposure to add to your 
 experiences. So if you do not want to come for the Photo shoot, I 
suggest you get back to me with your Translation Fees per word. The 
Photo Shoot will be in Barcelona, Spain and it will last only for one 
day.  So I want to know if you will be Interested in this Project. If 
yes, you can reply me so that i can give you more information about this
 job offer.
Anticipating your positive response. Do have a great week
 ahead and my humble regards to you and your loved ones.
Martin Stuart
martin_stuart06 a bildua yahoo.co.uk
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