[itzul] "Productos Lácteos Sostenibles"
Jon Iza
jon.iza a bildua gmail.com
As, Ots 19, 15:18:18, CET 2013
Hauxe oso eztabaida polita da.
Zer edo zer gehitzeko, Merriam-Websteren webgunetik hartuta:
a : of, relating to, or being a method of harvesting or using a
resource so that the resource is not depleted or permanently damaged
<sustainable techniques> <sustainable agriculture>
b : of or relating to a lifestyle involving the use of sustainable
methods <sustainable society>
Beraz, "sustainable" hitza hedapenaz edozerrera aplika daiteke.
Horrelaxe ikus daiteke "International Congress on Sustainability
Science & Engineering" deialdean:
Paper Topics to Include:
• Sustainable materials, products and process design
• Sustainable manufacturing and supply chain strategy
• Sustainable nano-manufacturing
• Sustainability assessment, LCA, and decision making tools
• Sustainable built environments
• Infrastructure for energy and resource utilization efficiency
• Technology for water sustainability and management
• Sustainable energy
... eta abar luze "sustainable" bat.
Hala eta guztiz ere, neuk ez daukat senarik proposamenen artean bata hobesteko.
Ondo izan,
Jon Iza
Professor of Environmental Technologies
University of the Basque Country
Ham: EA2SN -since 1978-
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