[itzul] office berriak eta wordfast
Elena Garcia Berasategi
e.garcia a bildua elhuyar.com
As, Ots 9, 15:57:44, CET 2016
Kaixo, Ana:
horren inguruan Wordfastekoei galdetu nien azkenekoan erantzun zidaten
Wordfast Anywheren itzul daitezkeela, modu errazean (zure betiko memoriak
Gero arte,
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Mezu honek, baita erantsitako edozein agirik ere, isilpeko informazioa izan
dezake. Informazio hori jasotzeko baimena izendatutakoak baino ez du. Zu ez
bazara adierazitako hartzailea, indarrean dagoen legeriaren arabera
debekatuta daukazu informazio hori baimenik gabe erabili, hedatu eta/edo
kopiatzea. Mezu hau errakuntza baten ondorioz jaso baduzu, jakinarazi
bidaltzaileari, eta ezaba ezazu. Eskerrik asko.
Ez inprimatu mezu hau ezinbestekoa ez bada.
On Tue, Feb 9, 2016 at 3:50 PM, Ana Martin <ana a bildua emun.eus> wrote:
> Kaixo Karlos
> Ez, ez dugu sistema eragilea aldatu, baina lagun batek beheko hau aurkitu
> du. Ez dakidana da Wordfastek gaiaren inguruko erabakirik hartu duen edo,
> ze, konpontzen ez badute panorama ederra izango dugu aurrerantzean...
> User
> Thread poster: neilmac
> *WFC not working with EXCEL in MS Office 2013*
> <http://www.proz.com/profile/70497>
> * neilmac <http://www.proz.com/profile/70497> *
> Spain
> Local time: 11:06
> <http://www.proz.com/join/individual> Member (2007)
> Spanish to English
> + ...
> Jul 13, 2015
> I reformatted my PC last week and reinstalled WF Classic and Office 2013.
> Today I'm trying to translate an Excel file and WFC for the first time with
> the new setup and it doesn't appear to be working. I proceed in the same
> way as I used to with earlier versions of WFC / Office: Open up a copy of
> the Excel file, then a Word document, do the select and click thing... And
> nothing happens.
> Am I doing something wrong, or is there another step that I'm missing out
> with new MS Office version?
> [image: Direct link]
> <http://www.proz.com/forum/wordfast_support/288176-wfc_not_working_with_excel_in_ms_office_2013.html#2448254> [image:
> Reply with quote]
> <http://www.proz.com/forum/wordfast_support/288176-wfc_not_working_with_excel_in_ms_office_2013.html?action=Reply"e=1&post_id=2448254#reply>
> <http://www.proz.com/profile/3600>
> * Dominique Pivard <http://www.proz.com/profile/3600> * [image: Identity
> Verified]
> Local time: 12:06
> Finnish to French
> *Excel & PowerPoint work up to Office 2010* Jul 13, 2015
> No, you are not missing anything: Microsoft has removed the feature that
> allowed Wordfast to communicate with Excel and PowerPoint from all versions
> of Office newer than 2010. That includes Office 2011 (Mac), Office 2013
> (Windows) and any other newer version. You will have to get a copy of
> Office 2010 (or older) if you wish to translate Excel/PowerPoint documents
> the "old-fashioned" way.
> karlos del_olmo<karlos_del_olmo a bildua donostia.eus> igorleak hau idatzi zuen
> (2016(e)ko otsailak 9 14:23):
> Sistema eragilea aldatu duzue?
>> Karlos del Olmo
>> karlos_del_olmo a bildua donostia.eus
>> 943483474
>> 687409016
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