[itzul] office berriak eta wordfast

Ana Martin ana a bildua emun.eus
As, Ots 9, 16:07:36, CET 2016

Eskerrik asko Elena
Ez dut Anywhere ezagutzen, baina saiatuko naiz begiratzen!

Elena Garcia Berasategi<e.garcia a bildua elhuyar.com> igorleak hau idatzi zuen
(2016(e)ko otsailak 9 15:57):

> Kaixo, Ana:
> horren inguruan Wordfastekoei galdetu nien azkenekoan erantzun zidaten
> Wordfast Anywheren itzul daitezkeela, modu errazean (zure betiko memoriak
> erabiliz...).
> Gero arte,
> Elena
> <https://twitter.com/elhuyarig>
> <https://www.youtube.com/user/ElhuyarFundazioa1/videos>
> <https://www.facebook.com/elhuyar.fundazioa>
> *e.garcia a bildua elhuyar.com* <e.garcia a bildua elhuyar.com>
> Tel.: 943363040 | luzp.: 219
> Zelai Haundi, 3
> Osinalde industrialdea
> 20170 Usurbil
> *www.elhuyar.eus* <http://www.elhuyar.eus/>
> <https://www.elhuyar.eus/eu/site/komunitatea/bazkideak/elhuyarkide-izan>
> Mezu honek, baita erantsitako edozein agirik ere, isilpeko informazioa
> izan dezake. Informazio hori jasotzeko baimena izendatutakoak baino ez du.
> Zu ez bazara adierazitako hartzailea, indarrean dagoen legeriaren arabera
> debekatuta daukazu informazio hori baimenik gabe erabili, hedatu eta/edo
> kopiatzea. Mezu hau errakuntza baten ondorioz jaso baduzu, jakinarazi
> bidaltzaileari, eta ezaba ezazu. Eskerrik asko.
> Ez inprimatu mezu hau ezinbestekoa ez bada.
> On Tue, Feb 9, 2016 at 3:50 PM, Ana Martin <ana a bildua emun.eus> wrote:
>> Kaixo Karlos
>> Ez, ez dugu sistema eragilea aldatu, baina lagun batek beheko hau aurkitu
>> du. Ez dakidana da Wordfastek gaiaren inguruko erabakirik hartu duen edo,
>> ze, konpontzen ez badute panorama ederra izango dugu aurrerantzean...
>> User
>> Thread poster: neilmac
>> *WFC not working with EXCEL in MS Office 2013*
>> <http://www.proz.com/profile/70497>
>> * neilmac <http://www.proz.com/profile/70497> *
>> Spain
>> Local time: 11:06
>> <http://www.proz.com/join/individual> Member (2007)
>> Spanish to English
>> + ...
>> Jul 13, 2015
>> I reformatted my PC last week and reinstalled WF Classic and Office 2013.
>> Today I'm trying to translate an Excel file and WFC for the first time with
>> the new setup and it doesn't appear to be working. I proceed in the same
>> way as I used to with earlier versions of WFC / Office: Open up a copy of
>> the Excel file, then a Word document, do the select and click thing... And
>> nothing happens.
>> Am I doing something wrong, or is there another step that I'm missing out
>> with new MS Office version?
>> [image: Direct link]
>> <http://www.proz.com/forum/wordfast_support/288176-wfc_not_working_with_excel_in_ms_office_2013.html#2448254> [image:
>> Reply with quote]
>> <http://www.proz.com/forum/wordfast_support/288176-wfc_not_working_with_excel_in_ms_office_2013.html?action=Reply&quote=1&post_id=2448254#reply>
>> <http://www.proz.com/profile/3600>
>> * Dominique Pivard <http://www.proz.com/profile/3600> *  [image:
>> Identity Verified]
>> Local time: 12:06
>> Finnish to French
>> *Excel & PowerPoint work up to Office 2010* Jul 13, 2015
>> No, you are not missing anything: Microsoft has removed the feature that
>> allowed Wordfast to communicate with Excel and PowerPoint from all versions
>> of Office newer than 2010. That includes Office 2011 (Mac), Office 2013
>> (Windows) and any other newer version. You will have to get a copy of
>> Office 2010 (or older) if you wish to translate Excel/PowerPoint documents
>> the "old-fashioned" way.
>> karlos del_olmo<karlos_del_olmo a bildua donostia.eus> igorleak hau idatzi zuen
>> (2016(e)ko otsailak 9 14:23):
>> Sistema eragilea aldatu duzue?
>>> Karlos del Olmo
>>> karlos_del_olmo a bildua donostia.eus
>>> 943483474
>>> 687409016
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