[itzul] adipocere / adipocire
Amaia Apalauza
amaia.apalauza a bildua gmail.com
Ast, Api 23, 16:37:06, CEST 2020
Arratsalde on:
Euskaraz eman behar dut ingelesez *adipocere *edo *corpse wax* esaten
Terminoa frantsesetik dator, Merriam-Webster hiztegiak dakarrenez:
History and Etymology for *adipocere*
borrowed from French *adipocire,* from *adipo-* adipo-
<https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/adip-#etymology> + *cire*
"wax," going back to Old French, going back to Latin *cēra* — more at
cerumen <https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/cerumen#etymology>
Note: The *e* introduced into the English word is presumably after Latin
*cēra.* Word introduced by the French physician and chemist Antoine
François de Fourcroy in *Annales de Chimie,* tome 8 (Jan., 1791), p. 67-70:
"Ces dernières propriétés, ainsi que sa qualité sonore, cassante & son
tissu souvent grenu, la rapprochent de la cire. On pourroit donc la
désigner par le nom de matière adipo-cireuse…La seule substance analogue à
cette adipo-cire que l'aie trouvée dans le corps humain, c'est la
concrétion blanche & cristalline qui constitue les calculs feuilletés de la
vésicule du fiel." ("These latter properties, as well as its sound, brittle
quality and its frequent graininess make it similar to wax. One could hence
designate it by the term 'adipocerous matter'…The only substance comparable
to this adipocere that I have found in the human body is the white,
crystalline concretion constituted by the foliated stones in the bile
Gaztelaniaz, *adipocira *edo *grasa cadavérica* esaten zaio.
Bi izenak behar nituzke euskaraz ere, hau da, *adipocere *eta* corpse wax*.
Eskerrik asko,
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