[itzul] Munduko leku-izenei buruzko artikulua

Garikoitz Knörr gari a bildua nonbait.com
Ast, Abu 19, 21:06:13, CEST 2004

The Guardian-en argitaratua (ingelesez). Aski interesgarria iruditu zait:

Hona pare bat pasarte:

"Two manuals on how to standardise names across the world are being
published next year so that in an increasingly globalised world it is
possible to find people and places.

The most high-profile examples of the need for the science of place names -
or toponymy - are the change of Bombay to Mumbai and Peking to Beijing (in
Chinese, the Capital of the North), both reverting to the correct name from
a pre-colonial era.


One problem for toponymists has been the recasting of anglicised names to
reflect their origins. In Asia, for example, Tashkent was corrected to
become Toshkent and Samarkand on the Silk Road to China has become

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