[itzul] after authorised work

aztiri-futurnet aztiri a bildua futurnet.es
Ost, Urr 11, 10:47:24, CEST 2006

Egun on:
Eskaladari buruzko araudi batekin ari gara, eta hala dio artikulu batek:
"Organisers of competitions with 'after authorised work' finals may 
decide that Article 4.8.2 may be suspended and that the countback 
procedure shall not be used to determine ranking at the end of the final 
Ez diogu harrapatzen zentzurik "with 'after authorised work' finals" 
horri. Laguntzerik bai?
Eskerrik asko.

ItzuL posta zerrendari buruzko informazio gehiago