[itzul] El vuelo del moscard ón

Joxe Mari Berasategi jxmbera a bildua telefonica.net
Lar, Maiatza 5, 20:46:09, CEST 2007

Nik "erlastarraren hegaldia / erlastarra hegan" jarriko nuke.
Uste dut "bombus agrorum" dela, nahiz eta hori Biologia dakienak baieztatu beharko lukeen. Ikus Euskalterm.
ru=шмель / en=bumblebee / fr=bourdon / de=Hummel / it=bombo / es=abejorro

Nahiz eta gaztelaniaz "vuelo del moscardón" gehiagotan agertu "vuelo del abejorro" baino (Googlen: Rimski-Korsakov "Vuelo del Moscardon" = 110 eta Rimski-Korsakov "Vuelo del Abejorro" 61)

Ea honek zerbait lagun dezakeeen (Wikipediatik hartua):
<<'"The Flight of the Bumblebee" is a famous orchestral interlude written by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov for his opera The Tale of Tsar Saltan, composed in 1899-1900. The piece closes Act III, Tableau 1, right after the magic Swan-Bird gives Prince Gvidon Saltanovich (the Tsar's son) instructions on how to change into an insect so that he can fly away to visit his father (who does not know that he is alive). Although in the opera the Swan-Bird sings during the first part of the "Flight," her vocal line is melodically uninvolved and easily omitted; this feature, combined with the fact that the number decisively closes the scene, made easy extraction as an orchestral concert piece possible.
Here is the text of the scene where the Swan-Bird sings during this music:

(Гвидон спускается с берега в море. Из моря вылетает шмель, кружась около Лебедь-птицы.))
Ну, теперь, мой шмель, гуляй,
Судно в море догоняй,
Потихоньку опускайся,
В щель подальше забивайся
Будь здоров, Гвидон, лети,
Только долго не гости!
(Шмель улетает.)

English Translation
(Gvidon goes down from the shore into the sea. Out from the sea flies a bumblebee, whirling around the Swan-Bird.) 
Well, now, my bumblebee, go on a spree,
catch up with the ship on the sea,
go down secretly,
get into a crack a little distance away.
Good luck, Gvidon, fly,
only do not stay long!
(The bumblebee flies away.)

Although the "Flight" does not have a title in the score of the opera, its common English title translates like the Russian one (Полёт шмеля = Poljot šmelja). (Incidentally, this piece does not constitute one of the movements of the orchestral suite that the composer derived from the opera for concerts.)>>

-----Mensaje original-----
De: itzul-bounces a bildua postaria.com [mailto:itzul-bounces a bildua postaria.com] En nombre de Marta Aguirre
Enviado el: sábado, 05 de mayo de 2007 17:48
Para: ItzuL
Asunto: Re: [itzul] El vuelo del moscard ón

Musika irakasteko materiala prestatzen ari garan irakasle talde bat gara, 
eta hainbat lekutan begiratu eta hainbat eta hainbat buelta eman ondoren, 
guk ere "Eulitzarra hegan" izena eman diogu. 

ItzuL posta zerrendari buruzko informazio gehiago