[itzul] embono
Berasategi Zurutuza, Joxe M.
jmbera a bildua alava.net
As, Maiatza 15, 08:03:16, CEST 2007
embono = ohol(-)jantzi? taula(-jantzi)?
embonar = oholeztatu?, taulatu?
Ezertarako balio baldin badizu...
Joxe Mari Berasategi
Eta beste adieran, "revestimiento" = estaldura, isolatzeko estaldura
1. m. Mar. Forro de tablones con que se embona un buque.
3. tr. Mar. Forrar exteriormente con tablones el casco de un buque, para ensanchar su manga y darle más estabilidad.
DOUBLING vbl. sb. 3.b. ad 1835
1831 T. O'Scanlan Diccionario marítimo español s.v. embono: doubling
Spanish term or phrase: embonos
Montaje de mamparas y embonos.
It's a list of points about work being done on a boat. I have the impression embonos are to do with stabilizing the boat and making it watertight. Any ideas what they're called in English?
Susan Andrew United Kingdom
lining / cleading
Ref. Eurodicautom
Revestimiento interior de materiales ligeros aislantes, en los mamparos de ciertos espacios, tales como alojamientos, bodegas, etc., para protegerlos contra diferencias de temperatura, ruidos, etc.
Reference P. O'Dogherty, CEH (1) TERM embono Reference P. O'Dogherty, CEH
(2) TERM aislamiento Reference P. O'Dogherty, CEH
Definition The light wood covering generally of feather and groove boarding applied on the vessel's side in cabins and storerooms.
Reference Int.Maritime Dict.(1) TERM lining
Reference Int.Maritime Dict. (2) TERM cleading
Reference Int.Maritime Dict.
So, \"montaje de mamparas y embonos\" refers to assembling the lining/cleading of the ship\'s cabins, probably.
and Mamparas are the wooden screens/panels, probably.
Thank you! Glad to be of help!
Selected response from:
United States
Note from asker to answerer
Thanks a lot, I went with cleading in the end.
4 KudoZ points were awarded for this answer
lining / cleading
-----Mensaje original-----
De: itzul-bounces a bildua postaria.com [mailto:itzul-bounces a bildua postaria.com]En
nombre de Arkaitz
Enviado el: lunes, 14 de mayo de 2007 14:01
Para: itzul a bildua postaria.com
Asunto: [itzul] embono
Kaixo, hitz hau itsasontzi bat zaharberritzearen gaineko testu batean agertu zait. "Embonar" itsasontziaren bizkarra oholez estaltzea omen da, baina kontua da euskarazko ordainik topatu ezinean nabilela.Laguntzarik?
Bide batez, "pie de guardapesca" ere daukat hor zalantzan. "Guardapesca" arrantzazain agertzen da Euskaltermen, baina...
ItzuL posta zerrendari buruzko
informazio gehiago