[itzul] Situation vs state

itziar itziar72 a bildua yahoo.es
Iga, Urr 7, 23:39:26, CEST 2007

  Nola desberdindu ditzaket euskaraz ingelesezko "Situation" eta "State"? Alegia, normalean "egoera" erabiltzen ditugu bientzat.
  Behean, hitz horien definizioak, testuinguruak mugatuta:
  State: the physical or mental condition that someone or something is in
  Situation: a combination of all the things that are happening and all the conditions that exist at a particular time in a particular place
  Eta "hope" eta "expectation"? Bata itxaropena, eta bestea?
  Hope: a feeling of wanting something to happen or be true and believing that it is possible or likely
  Expectation: what you think or hope will happen
  Aldez aurretik, mila esker!


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