[itzul] Guarantees vs Warranties: garantiak, bermeak?
Ane Lopez
ane.lopez a bildua tradumatica.net
Or, Maiatza 26, 15:43:13, CEST 2017
Lege-ohar batzuetan bi termino hauek agertzen zaizkit. Ikusten dut legeari
begira diferenteak direla, baina ez dakit nola eman euskaraz:
The difference is legal, not linguistic. Both terms are meaningful in the
context of a contract or bargain. A *guarantee* is a promise that, if a
thing is not of a certain standard or does not fulfil some condition, the
original price or consideration paid for the contract or bargain will be
returned. For example, if A sells an item to B and guarantees that it will
produce 20 widgets a day, B can return the item to A for a full refund if
it does not, in fact, produce 20 widgets a day. Similarly, C can guarantee
A’s debt to B, so that, if A fails to pay B, C, the guarantor, is obliged
to pay B instead.
A *warranty* is a term of a contract, breach of which gives rise to a claim
for damages, but not the repudiation of the whole contract. For example, if
A sells an item to B and warrants that it can produce 20 widgets per day,
but in fact it produces only 19, B can bring an action for damages against
A for the lesser of (1) the cost of fixing the item such that it does in
fact produce 20 widgets per day; or (2) the loss of profit associated with
the production of 19 as opposed to 20 widgets. B cannot, however, return
the item for a full refund.
Biak dira bermeak? Euskaraz ez dago diferentziarik? Ala ba al dago hor
ñabarduraren bat?
Eskerrik asko,
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