[itzul] Guarantees vs Warranties: garantiak, bermeak?

Bakartxo ARRIZABALAGA bakartxo.arrizabalaga a bildua orange.fr
Or, Maiatza 26, 16:04:21, CEST 2017

Zuk diozun bezala, aldea ez da hizkuntza mailakoa, baizik eta lege batek ezartzen duen berezitasuna; lege hori alda daiteke eta, hartara, horretarako asmatutako hitza baliogabe geratuko litzateke edo, berriz ere zentzuz aldatu beharko litzateke; errazena, azalpena egitea iruditzen zait: kontratua baliogabetzerainoko bermea edo kontratua baliogabetzen duen bermea bat, eta kalteordainetarako eskubidea ematen duen bermea edo antzeko zerbaiten bidetik. Laburrago beharko balitz, hortik abiatuz labur liteke, behin gauza zertaz den argitutakoan.
> Message du 26/05/17 15:43
> De : "Ane Lopez" 
> A : itzul a bildua postaria.com
> Copie ā : 
> Objet : [itzul] Guarantees vs Warranties: garantiak, bermeak?

Lege-ohar batzuetan bi termino hauek agertzen zaizkit. Ikusten dut legeari begira diferenteak direla, baina ez dakit nola eman euskaraz:
> The difference is legal, not linguistic. Both terms are meaningful in the context of a contract or bargain. A guarantee is a promise that, if a thing is not of a certain standard or does not fulfil some condition, the original price or consideration paid for the contract or bargain will be returned. For example, if A sells an item to B and guarantees that it will produce 20 widgets a day, B can return the item to A for a full refund if it does not, in fact, produce 20 widgets a day. Similarly, C can guarantee A’s debt to B, so that, if A fails to pay B, C, the guarantor, is obliged to pay B instead.
> A warranty is a term of a contract, breach of which gives rise to a claim for damages, but not the repudiation of the whole contract. For example, if A sells an item to B and warrants that it can produce 20 widgets per day, but in fact it produces only 19, B can bring an action for damages against A for the lesser of (1) the cost of fixing the item such that it does in fact produce 20 widgets per day; or (2) the loss of profit associated with the production of 19 as opposed to 20 widgets. B cannot, however, return the item for a full refund.
> Biak dira bermeak? Euskaraz ez dago diferentziarik? Ala ba al dago hor ņabarduraren bat?
> Eskerrik asko,
> Ane

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