[itzul] Jack London-en aipu batzuk

Ane Lopez ane.lopez a bildua tradumatica.net
Ast, Urr 26, 10:27:35, CEST 2017

Kaixo denoi:
Film labur bat itzultzen ari naiz eta Jack London-en aipu batzuk agertzen
zaizkit. Badakit euskaratuta daudela, baina liburuak lortzerik ez.
Laguntzerik bai? Mila esker!


White Fang > Letagin zuri (itz. Xabier Mendiguren Bereziartu, 1986)
"Any man, who is a man, can travel alone”

The Call of the Wild  Basabizitzaren deia (itz. Josu Zabaleta, 2004)
edo  Basatasunaren
deia (itz. Iñaki Mendiguren, 1993) edo  Oihanaren deia (itz. izenik gabe,
“Man was manifestly out of place here. And why should he venture to the
frozen north?”

To Build a Fire >  Sua piztu (itz. Iñaki Ibañez, 1995)
"The unending vastness crushed him into the remotest recesses of his own
mind, pressing out all the false ardors and undue self-values, until he
perceived himself finite”
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