[itzul] Jack London-en aipu batzuk

Gotzon Egia gegia a bildua gipuzkoa.eus
Ast, Urr 26, 11:06:02, CEST 2017

Kontuz ibili behar izan ohi da idazle ezagunei leporatzen zaizkien aipuekin, askotan -gehienetan- atribuzioz ematen direlako, edo gutxi gorabehera emanda, edo, zuzenean, gezur hutsa direlako.

Behean azalpenak.

White Fang > Letagin zuri (itz. Xabier Mendiguren Bereziartu, 1986)
"Any man, who is a man, can travel alone”

To Build a Fire >  Sua piztu (itz. Iñaki Ibañez, 1995)

Gizon bat, gizona bazen, bera bakarrik ibil zitekeen


The Call of the Wild  Basabizitzaren deia (itz. Josu Zabaleta, 2004) edo  Basatasunaren deia (itz. Iñaki Mendiguren, 1993) edo  Oihanaren deia (itz. izenik gabe, 1979)
“Man was manifestly out of place here. And why should he venture to the frozen north?”

(Serialized in The Saturday Evening Post, June 20-July 18, 1903)

Both men were manifestly out of place, and why such as they should adventure the North is part of the mystery of things that passes understanding.


To Build a Fire >  Sua piztu (itz. Iñaki Ibañez, 1995)
"The unending vastness crushed him into the remotest recesses of his own mind, pressing out all the false ardors and undue self-values, until he perceived himself finite”

White Fang

by Jack London


It crushed them with the weight of unending vastness and unalterable decree. It crushed them into the remotest recesses of their own minds, pressing out of them, like juices from the grape, all the false ardors and exaltations and undue self-values of the human soul, until they perceived themselves finite and small, specks and motes, moving with weak cunning and little wisdom amidst the play and inter-play of the great blind elements and forces.


Gotzon Egia
gegia a bildua gipuzkoa.eus<mailto:gegia a bildua gipuzkoa.eus>
43º 19' 15" N 1º 58' 57.5" W


Hemendik aurrera nire posta elektronikoak .eus domeinua izango du. Hori dela eta, nire posta elektroniko berria zure kontaktuetan gordetzea gomendatzen dizut. Oraingoz, bi domeinuak indarrean mantenduko dira.

A partir de ahora mi correo electrónico tendrá el dominio .eus y en consecuencia, le recomiendo que guarde mi nueva dirección electrónica en sus contactos. De momento convivirán los dos dominios.


euskaraz bizi eta lan egiten dugu
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