[itzul] Itzultzaileen txistea (ingelesez)

Aixe, S.L. aixe a bildua ctv.es
Or, Abe 17, 15:42:20, CET 2004

Aste luze baten bukaera honetan, umore punttu bat...

Hor behean doakizue.

Ondo ibili,



Xabier Armendaritz
AIXE itzulpen eta zerbitzuak
Wellingtongo Dukearen kalea, 8, 1.a, 8. bulegoa
01010 Vitoria / Gasteiz

Tel.: (+34) 945 174 476
        (+34) 656 703 313
Faxa: (+34) 945 179 042
<aixe a bildua ctv.es>



How many translators does it take to change a lightbulb?

1) That depends on the context.

2) What will clients expect us to do next?

3) One, but he'll have to charge by the hour and he can't give a
firm quote until he's seen it, because God only knows how it was
changed before. (The last time he took a job like this, someone had
wedged a "glow pear" in the socket.)

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