[itzul] in hospital / in the hospital

Josu Barambones fipbazuj a bildua vc.ehu.es
As, Abe 20, 09:22:41, CET 2005

Kaixo, Xabier:

    Ingelesez esaldi ohikoena hau da: "She went to the hospital to visit her 
father", hau da, "without 'the'". Orain, erabilera desberdinak daude 
Erresuma Batuan eta Estatu Batuetan. Erresuma Batuan "to go to hospital" edo 
"to be in hospital" esapideek "to be hospitalized" esan nahi dute. Estatu 
Batuetan, berriz, "to go to the hospital" edo "to be in the hospital".
    Espero dut baliagarria gertatzea. 

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