[itzul] drôle de guerre
Antton Gurrutxaga
agurrutxaga a bildua elhuyar.com
Ost, Aza 16, 09:16:41, CET 2005
Jakin nahi genuke euskaraz inoiz erabili den eta nola erabili den frantsesez
'Drôle de Guerre' deritzon aldia.
Wikipediak dakarren informazioa:
"Phony War(Redirected from Phoney War
The Phony War, or in Winston Churchill's words the Twilight War, was the
phase of World War II marked by no military operations in Continental
Europe, that followed the collapse of Poland. Although the great powers of
Europe had declared war on one another, neither side had yet committed to
launching a significant attack, and there was little fighting. The term has
cognates in many other languages, notably German: Sitzkrieg ('sitting war',
a pun on Blitzkrieg), French: drôle de guerre ('funny war' or 'strange
war'), and Polish: dziwna wojna ('strange war'). In Britain the period was
even referred to as the Bore War (a pun on Boer War)."
Gaztelaniaz, 'guerra graciosa' eta 'guerra tonta' aurkitu ditut Interneten.
Euskararako terminoak proposa litezke ('sasigerra', 'gerra faltsua', 'gerra
arraroa', 'gerra bitxia'...), baina, berez, euskaraz inoiz eman den eta nola
eman den arakatu behar litzateke aurretik. Argitaratutako entziklopedietan
ez da ageri.
Antton Gurrutxaga
> ELHUYAR Hizkuntz Zerbitzuak
> Zelai Haundi, 3 Osinalde Industrialdea / 20170 Usurbil
> (+34) 943 36 30 40
> agurrutxaga a bildua elhuyar.com / www.elhuyar.org
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