[itzul] Itzultzaileak agerian!
Gotzon Egia
gegia a bildua gipuzkoa.net
As, Api 4, 18:28:32, CEST 2006
According to one tradition, the ideal translator is invisible. Yet on
the cover of the new Don Quixote (translated by Edith Grossman), her
name sits just below Picasso's image of knight and squire. Asked about
this prominence, she pauses, then remarks, rather dryly: Well, you'll
forgive me if I say: 'And rightly so!'
Edith Grossmani buruz datu gehiago:
Gotzon Egia
gegia a bildua gipuzkoa.net
43º 19' 12.8" N 1º 57' 49.6" W
ItzuL posta zerrendari buruzko
informazio gehiago