[itzul] Sampling
Terminologia BITEZ LOGOS
terminologia a bildua bitez.com
Ost, Api 19, 16:18:37, CEST 2006
Zehatzago azaltzeko, Xabier, "sanpleatu" erabili ei da "sampleatu" baino
sarritxoago, baina, halaxe erabiltzen dela ematen du, bai. Googleratuz
gero, hau da emaitza:
1 - 6 emaitzak (guztira 7 inguru) sampleatu bilatzean.
1 - 10 emaitzak (guztira 16 inguru) sanpleatu bilatzean.
Xabierren zehaztapena:
>Musikan, sampling, sampler, sampleatu... bere horretan erabiltzen dira.
>>Gotzonen galdera:
>> >Musika gai batean ageri zait termino hori. Definizio zehatza hau da:
>> >
>> >In music, sampling is the act of taking a portion of one sound
>> >and reusing it as an instrument or element of a new recording. This is
>> >typically done with a sampler, which can be a piece of hardware or a
>> >computer program on a digital computer as in digital sampling.
>>Sampling is
>> >also possible with tape loops or with vinyl records on a phonograph.
>> >............. Iritzirik?
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