[itzul] "starting pad signal"
aztiri a bildua futurnet.es
Ast, Urr 9, 16:47:16, CEST 2008
Arratsalde on. Eskaladako arau batzuk itzultzen ari naiz (gaztelaniara)
eta ez dut esaldi honen bigarren zatia oso ondo ulertzen, ez dakit
"starting pad signal" horrek zer esan nahi duen. Laguntzerik bai?
Mila esker aurrez.
"When mechanical-electric timing is used, the climbing time shall be
measured with an accuracy of 0.01 second. The system shall incorporate a
reaction time of 0.1 second, i.e. a starting pad signal within the first
0.1 second after the starting signal implies a false start."
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